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Burger And Fries – Healthy Style

A burger and fries are one of the most popular foods throughout. Families enjoyed almost everywhere, from fast food joints, sit-down restaurants and even at home.

While the burgers and fries do not have the best reputation as a healthy dinner option, there are a number of things – like using whole wheat hamburger buns – what you can do to increase their nutritional value.

A full-fat hamburger can have as many as 28 grams of fat in just four ounces. It was more than 40% of your recommended daily value! Instead, opt for leaner beef or turkey. When shopping, compare the nutrition labels to choose the best option for your family.

There are many restaurants which provide delicious burgers. If you have any confusion regarding the burger prices, then you can also check out the best red robin prices.

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If you are looking to avoid meat altogether, veggie burgers can be a healthy choice. The veggie burger is often made of a combination of carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, black beans and some kind of material to tie it all together like oatmeal or breadcrumbs. You can make them at home or even buy pre-made veggie burgers from stores.

Instead of white bread, switch to whole wheat hamburger buns. whole-wheat hamburger buns can be packed in fiber and other nutrients. Be sure to compare the ingredients and nutritional information when you shop – you may be surprised to see some difference out there.

No burger is complete without a side of fries. However, they do not have to actually fry! Oven-baked frozen fries are a better alternative than their fried counterparts, but you could do better than that. Rub the potatoes thoroughly and then sliced into long rectangles.