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Choosing The Best Moisturizer For Dry Skin

The best moisturizer for dry skin is what nature wants. Billions of microscopic water retaining globule in the outer layer of the skin are called natural moisturizing factors (NMFS). When we are young we have them in the right amount to keep the skin shine, soft and fresh. However, this perfect balance is annoyed at puberty when hormone levels fluctuating tends to stimulate oil production.

Tips on the reverse balance later on, when the body's ability to produce sebum starts to fall. Our natural moisturizing factors run out and the skin no longer applies to moisture effectively as before. The result: dry and scaly skin. You can purchase the best face skin tightening cream online at


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Slow down the loss of moisture

NMF is responsible for preventing moisture from inside the skin – called transepidermal water – from evaporation that is too fast which in turn causes dehydration or dry skin. Water continues to move through the skin, from the layer in the skin to the outer layer and then into the atmosphere. NMF is like a guard who holds this water and holds it as long as they can. 

So if we want to replicate this best moisturizer process is one that does the same job. The conventional moisturizing cream rubbed into the surface of the skin will not do the trick. The water molecule is too large to pass through the skin barrier. 

In fact, any water is left on your skin after using moisturizers or light toner "(more water than oil) – or even after washing and not really dry yourself – will have the opposite effect. Over time, this extra moisture is finally diluting your natural moisturizing factor to the point where they can evaporate, leaving the skin drier than before.