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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety Disorders – A Non Medicated Approach

The biochemical basis of anxiety seems closely linked to serotonin chemical molecules, emitting at the synaptic junction of brain cells. Low levels it causes anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder. The most popular treatment options for anxiety is still selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

At the same time, there is a movement in psychiatric practitioners to reduce the dependency on chemicals and encourage treatment with the possibility of addressing underlying causes instead of the symptoms. If you want to know about somatic psychotherapy then check

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One such treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), or change the behavior therapy, which tries to reshape the cognitive processes that lead to anxiety and reshaping such that the basic cause is removed.

Cognition is determined by how one translates the input, predict, and behave. Thus, CBT aims to guide the mind to cause one anxiety, and remake so that the fundamental driving force of anxiety eliminated. The central idea of CBT is that chronic anxiety is a problem that feeds and grows on itself through a negative-feedback. Breaking the link joining anxiety and thought processes that sustain them is the main goal of CBT.

How does one implement CBT? In what way does it operate? While psychiatrists follow a different implementation of CBT, and people with anxiety disorders showed different underlying cause, there are three types of CBT principles that can be used as guidelines to carry out the treatment.

The first is that of understanding: one with an anxiety disorder should get a thorough understanding of the sources of anxiety. For example, people can experience anxiety attacks. Here, he discovered gnawing fear in anticipation of the next episode. This fear devour one another, which leads to more anxiety.

Practitioners of CBT can cause line of questions to show that the source of anxiety is anxiety ironically. In other situations, a person realizes he became anxious and frightened because of unforeseen circumstances cause great distress. In response, the person dwells on the uncertainty of the future and find more unexpected things in life.