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Consider these Tips to Avoid Hair Loss


Losing a few strands of hair is considered to be a natural phenomenon. However, the sad part is that not many people know this where they freak out and go crazy after seeing a few strands of hair falling off. It is absolutely crucial not to panic if you see something like this happening as things can go worse by constant worries and tensions. These tips will help you to avoid losing more hair.

  1. Massage your Hair – Many researchers have proved that men and women can benefit from getting their hair massaged once or twice a week. So, consider massaging your hair by yourself or from a parlor.
  2. Use Olive Oil – This item is usually used for cooking but it works like a charm when applied to the hair. Olive oil should be applied to the hair around 30minutes in advance before having your shower.
  3. Eat Healthy Food – Healthy eating habit isn’t just about keeping you stay fit and healthy to the immune system. It also has a great effect on your hair. Make sure your diet includes good source of proteins such as lean meat, chicken breasts, eggs, tofu and more. Also, never ignore green vegetables.
  4. Use Coconut Oil – One of the best sources of getting rid of hair loss is by using coconut oil. Coconut oil is known to contain proteins that helps in protecting and strengthening the hair root and strand.

If you follow these tips, then you should forget to get natural keratin treatment at home.