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How To Choose New Pair Of Muay Thai Gloves?

The boxing gloves help to lessen the high force effect of punch, so as to guard your fist and wrist along with your competitor from a very bad injury.

Muay Thai gloves are more preferred gloves compared to ordinary boxing gloves since it is going to make it possible for you to open your hands to catch your opponent and provide some intimate contact methods like knee strikes. You can choose the best quality ‘everlast punching glove’ (which is known as ‘guanti da punzonatura everlast' everlast’ in Italian).

Everlast Mens Prime Training Glove Grey


Various gloves are utilized to strike the heavy punching/kicking bags, to reach focus mitts, to reach a rate hitting ball or a true struggle with the competitor.

Professional Muay Thai Boxer generally uses up lace gloves that are more protected and match. However, this sort of gloves is difficult to wear without obtaining help from the coach.

  •  For training prior to a game or sparring, you'll want a heavier set of gloves that can slightly raise your strength and much softer cushioning for security. This is the point where a set of Coaching gloves are going to more appropriate.
  • To hit the heavy bag and focus mitts. You'll require a set of boxing gloves with thick cushioning in the front end. These are known as Bag gloves. Additionally, there are lighter bag gloves made only for coaching with speed bags.

Boxing gloves are usually made from foam padding and covered with real vinyl or leather (faux leather). Leather gloves have a tendency to be better in durability and cost when compared with synthetic ones. Check for the cost gap between both of them and choose the one which is more beneficial for you.