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How To Irrigate Your Garden? Diverse Irrigation Methods For You

If gardening is your hobby or you have a large field that needs to be watered for the cultivation of crops, hoses are the first thing that you need to make your lives easy. But finding the right one will determine the difference between convenience and inconvenience.

Various aspects of field irrigation methods can determine the perfect lay-flat hoses. Here we are going to discuss some facts that can challenge any similar product in the market with its caliber.

Water pressure: Suppose you have a big field to cover and the water body is quite far away, your sole reliable tools are your water pump and the hoses.

While you have a heavy-duty pump that can generate enough pressure to flow the water in the entire field, your hose pipe is not competent enough to handle that much pressure. Here you need a hose that can sustain the water pressure and distribute the water in the entire field.

The solution: With these problems in mind, Irrigation has come up with a series of lay-flat hoses that can withstand immense pressure and still deliver at the same time. 

Lay Flat Hose has a pressure limit of 17 bars which is enough for sustaining the pressure from the pumps. Plus since this hose is oil and chemical resistant, hence, no matter what purpose you have, it will surely cater to your needs.

Durability: It's quite obvious that you are going to use the hoses several times a month. Hence, durability is an important factor. Otherwise, it would not just cause you a few extra bucks every month, it can be of terrible inconvenience. 

The solution: Lay Flat Hose is durable enough to withstand anything and stay intact for a long period of time.

By reading the above points you must have understood how the lay-flat hoses can help you overcome your issues regarding watering.