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How To Prepare For A Burst Pipe?

If you live in an area that is prone to freezing temperatures, it's important to take measures to prevent your pipes from freezing. Insulate your pipes and keep them from coming into contact with cold air by sealing any cracks or openings in your home's exterior. 

You should also allow a small trickle of water to flow through your pipes during cold weather to help keep them from freezing. You can also search online to hire a plumber for bursted pipes repair.

If despite your best efforts a pipe does freeze and burst, the first thing you need to do is shut off the water at the main valve. This will stop the flow of water and help minimize the damage. Once the water is shut off, assess the situation and decide whether you can repair the pipe yourself or if you need to call in a professional.

If you have a flooding situation due to a burst pipe, the first thing you need to do is remove any excess water. This can be done with a wet/dry vacuum or by bailing out the water with a bucket.

Once you have removed as much water as possible, it's time to start drying things out. Turn on any fans or dehumidifiers you have in your home and open up any windows to help circulate air.