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Information About The Old Soul

An old soul is someone who has lived many lives and is wise beyond your years. We are all technically old souls because we have lived many lifetimes. Some souls, however, have lived longer lives than others.

It's not just about the number of lifetimes, but also how well you have developed as a person in these lifetimes. Here are the signs you are an old soul:

1) You feel older than you are. Since your early childhood, you feel older and more mature than other people your own age.

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2) You are comfortable being in your own company. It is not a problem to be alone. In fact, it is something you love! It might seem like torture to spend a weekend alone for some, but it is something you enjoy.

3) You'd rather stay home than go out on Saturday nights. You would rather watch Netflix and eat popcorn on a weekend than go to the clubs.

4) You enjoy reading and learning. You've always been hungry for wisdom and knowledge.

5) You hate today's dating culture with its short-term flings and one-night stands, as well as dating apps.

Old souls are rare, but they are less common than you might think. There have never been so many souls on Earth at once. It is believed that 10-15% of Earth's population is made up of old souls.