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Learn To Graffiti Art- Some General Guidelines You Need to Know

Before you can get into the world of graffiti art, it is important to understand and follow the rules. You will learn more about graffiti artists underground as you learn how to graffiti. You can also buy graffiti kunst pictures from various online sources.

1. You need to create your own style in order to learn how to graffiti.

It is important to develop your own style of graffiti. Your style and ability to graffiti will determine whether you are accepted or not. You will first create your own tag, your name, and the style that you use. This will be the foundation for all subsequent graffiti art styles.

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2. Do not copy other writers' work

You will lose the respect of other graffiti artists if you post pieces that are obvious copies or 'niche' another's work. To make a name for yourself in the region, your pieces must be original and clearly show that they were created for you. To be recognized as a writer, you must be able to put up several pieces.

3. Demonstrate a high level of technique and skill

You must also learn how to graffiti. You can't just do quick throw-ups and expect to get your tag noticed faster. To be recognized and respected by other graffiti artists, you must also show skill in the work that you do.

These guidelines are for how to develop and maintain your graffiti and tagging style.