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Personal Protective Equipment and OSHA In Australia

Every day, thousands of workers are at risk of dying from not wearing or using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). To reduce the number of deaths and protect workers from injury, the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) has issued a regulation stating that every worker must wear appropriate PPE when they are most likely to be at risk.

You can buy personal protective equipment face shield medical at that can be clothing or other equipment designed to protect workers from hazards in the workplace. Some of the areas of the human body that are most frequently exposed are the eyes, head, arms, Lungs, legs, and ears.

The personal protective equipment for the eyes, face, head, and limbs, protective clothing, respiratory and protective devices, and barriers, should be provided, used, and maintained in hygienic and reliable conditions. 

The PPE types of equipment are necessary due to the process of radiological hazards, chemical hazards, environmental hazards, or mechanical irritation occurring in a manner that, through absorption, inhalation, or physical contact, could cause injury or malfunction to any part of the body.

Employers are responsible for providing PPE to workers. Also, an appropriate training program for staff training should be arranged. If an employee uses their equipment, it is also the employer's responsibility to ensure that the equipment is adequate – maintenance and cleanliness are also the responsibility of the employer.