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PPE – An Important Mandatory Requirement for All Businesses

PPE, also known as personal protective equipment, plays a very important role in every company. Every business owner should ensure that they have all the PPE equipment necessary to prevent an emergency or injury. 

This equipment applies to guards, coatings, shields, first aid kits, masks, etc. Protective equipment must be worn at all times during hazardous activities such as physical, electrical, chemical, air, thermal, and biohazards.

PPE face masks reduces the risk of employees being exposed to hazardous activities and it is the employer's responsibility to verify that all equipment is up-to-date and functioning properly. A thorough check of the operation of this device must be carried out every day, as employees are at risk of exposure if the device is malfunctioning or operating.

Up-to-date and complete first aid kits are essential for every company. According to the code of conduct approved by the HSC, “the contents of first-aid containers should be checked regularly and prepared as soon as possible after use. 

Sufficient stock must be stored on-site in a reserve warehouse. Care must be taken to ensure that items are disposed of safely after the expiration date. '

An occupational health and safety expert and helps companies improve their health and safety practices. If you are looking for advice and information on basic first aid, or if you need advice on the importance of safety at work, including PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).