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Selecting And Installing Outdoor Speakers

Outdoor speakers can add a new level of fun to your sound system. There's nothing like listening to your favorite music while relaxing outside in the yard, pool, or yard.

Choosing the right outdoor speaker installation is key to the best listening experience outside of your home.

Most likely, your outside area is an open space, there is background noise that needs to be addressed and you need to take these elements into account. These factors present unique challenges, but fortunately, they can be overcome with very little information.

You must first evaluate the room you are working in to determine how many speakers you will need. You don't need to turn up the volume, which can annoy guests.

When determining how many speakers you need, evaluate the location of each speaker. Under a roof or near a wall in a house or garage is ideal as it can help protect the speakers from the weather and help make a sound.

If you are working in a square room, you may need four speakers. If you're working with oval rooms, you may want four or more, depending on how large the area is.

Aesthetics is also a determining factor for location. Mounting the speakers directly onto aluminum or cedar plating usually doesn't work very well as those surfaces may not be strong enough.

If you have one of these materials outdoors and don't have a roof deck, you may need to use speakers that can be placed on the floor.