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How To Handle Beef Cows with Mastitis

Even though we think of mastitis more as a milk disease, beef producers must remain aware of the condition of their livestock.

With higher milk production and cows being held in groups for longer, these two factors have a tendency to increase the incidence of mastitis.

Cases of mastitis can burn during long periods of dry cattle (not raising calves) and flare up during calving. 

Mastitis or inflammation of the mammary glands causes swelling in the infected area along with heat and pain. Affected cows may have a road that is guarded because of pain. If the infection is severe or when more than a quarter is involved, the cow may have a fever (fever) and depression. The sooner we start treatment, the better.

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Treatment approach

Type the query 'LIC Automation Farm Automation Technology and Milk Sensors' to find the ways to treat beef cows with mastitis.

Dismantling (milking) infected milk together with systemic antibiotics such as penicillin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and treatment with approved products into the udder is my preferred method. This has the greatest chance of success.

If in the stripping quarter you detect air, this is often a serious infection. Bacteria produce gas with poison and can be life threatening. Unlike dairy cows where we have to consider milk withdrawal, this is not a problem with beef cattle so using dry cow care is an option.