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How to Successfully Paint Fused Glass

Hello! Today I would like to share with you some tips on painting fused glass. We hope these tips help eliminate some frustrations at first! As a side note, this article is based on my own opinions and only serves as suggestions and a starting point for you to expand your creativity.

I use Glassline paints to paint on 90 or 96 COE glass. Glassline paints are available online at Delphi Glass and other fusion glass websites. Glassline suggests thinning the paint, but I never need to do this. Tips don't come with the paint and I didn't discover these gems in a while. These tips simply screw into the top of the paint and are ready to go. Paint can be applied on glass (my preferred method) or between layers of glass. You can buy the best fusible glass paints online. 


If you're working on a project with 3 or more paints, the tips seem to clog up pretty quickly. I cut a piece of thin wire that I had in my toolbox for my jewelry wire wrapping projects. Just put the wire on the end of the tip, this should clear it. If not, unscrew the tip and place the wire into the tip from the inside. This removes any thick paint that may have gotten into the tip.


Now my best advice to you! Many fused glass stores have small squeeze bottles and tips for mixing or thinning the paint. Buying one of these inexpensive plastic bottles will save you a ton of hassle. This is what I use them for. When I finish painting, I remove the tip of the Glassline bottle and replace the black cap that came on the bottle. Fill the empty squeeze bottle with cold water.

Screw the tip you used while painting into the water-filled squeeze bottle. Over a sink or bucket, squeeze the bottle until clean water comes out of the end of the tip. This is a great way to keep the tips clean. If you leave them in the paint bottle, they will definitely clog and that will seriously reduce production.