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Email Marketing Tracking – Why You Need This?

One of the most important tools in email marketing is to track your email. By tracking email, you can find out which promotions, offers, or main backups that collect the best response. This is a great tool in determining which one of your promotions you must continue.

Able to track email responses to your offer will save a lot of money in the long term. This allows you to concentrate on offers that have the biggest pull to clients. It will also save a lot of time because you will be informed about which offers produce less profitable results. This is what makes email tracking important in email marketing.

Why track email?

1. In tracking your email, you can see what percentage of customers who open their letters. This is useful because it will help you find out if you need to revise your mailing list or not.

2. You can check about which link has produced the most interest in your customers. This will allow you to focus your efforts on the link.

3. You can also measure your email campaign performance. If your email produces less than profitable results, you can think of new ways to attract customer attention. It's important in running an email marketing business because you rely on interest shown by your customers.