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Are You Concerned About The Guardianship of a Relative?

In Arizona, you might also be confronted with guardianship situations. You might be able to help a child whose parent is unable to take care of him/her or a grandparent or parent who suddenly becomes unable to do so.

Why would you challenge Guardianship? And What Is Guardianship?

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Most often, guardians are looking out for the best interests of their ward. There can be problems, however. A guardian might be neglecting an elderly person, mismanaging their money, or physically abusing them.

However, conscious abuse doesn't always mean that guardianship should be challenged. Sometimes guardians find themselves suddenly unable to care for and support their ward. They might not be aware of it immediately. It's important to take steps to protect your loved ones and challenge guardians' rights in these situations.

How to Challenge Guardianship without a Lawyer?

In Arizona, you can challenge the guardian without the need for litigation lawyers. You will need to visit your local courthouse to request that the courts name you the responsible person for the minor child or elderly relative. If you aren't worried about conflict or the guardian isn't willing to take on the responsibility for the elderly or minor, it may be worth doing this yourself.

Talk to your family members before you file a petition. This will avoid any drama or conflict with the family. You may find that they agree with you and will accept the responsibility.