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The Power Of Unpredictability In Dyslexia

Because of all the non-dyslexic variables determining success or even failure, no expert is significantly able to predict the future of individuals — even in those showing early talent. And reliable predictions are especially difficult to make in those dyslexics appearing “retarded” or just plain “lazy or stupid.”

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso became a famous, trendsetting art icon despite, and no doubt because of, his apparent dyslexia. He was born in Malaga Spain in 1881. Reported to have failed parochial school education because of reading and related academic difficulties.

He was eventually encouraged by his father, an art teacher, to further develop his obvious innate artistic talent. You can even read about the Influence of Dyslexia on Pablo Picassos Artistic Skills from various sources.

Over the course of his career, he developed a unique sense of beauty and style. Pablo painted things as he saw or really felt them — out of order, deformed, or tilted. 

His paintings demonstrated the power of “dyslexic” imagination as well as raw or primary emotion and creativity within the human psyche. Some of his famous works include- The Young Ladies of Avignon, Old Man with Guitar, and Guernica.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise grew up and succeeded despite poverty, frequent relocations, inadequate schooling, and dyslexia. No doubt he was saved by his gifted acting ability as well as his dogged determination to overcome and thrive, come what may.

Richard Branson

Richard Branson, founder, and chairman of London-based Virgin Group didn’t breeze through school. In fact, the school was something of a nightmare for him. 

His scores on standardized tests were dismal, initially pointing to a similar future. Despite the difficulties and challenges posed by his acknowledged dyslexia, his gifted interpersonal and business talents drove him to succeed.