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Different Key Cutting Machines

Duplicate keys are created using key cutting machines that work by outlining the key shape through a computerized system or by simply holding the original lock in place while cutting shapes out to the new key. There are many types of mowers available today and each has a different cutting capability for various types of locks. You can have more information about the best key cutting in Sydney via

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Types of key Cutting Machines

One type of machine used in making keys is semi-automatic which does most of its work on its own. Users must insert the original key to the vice grips and another duplicate. A type of meter follows the shape of the original key for duplicate wound using a steel blade. After cutting and shaping a new lock wire brush quickly walked over the wound to ensure no metal spurs left in the lock. Adjustment is sometimes necessary and a thorough comparison with the original key is always recommended. 

Another is an automatic cutting machine and the user of this device is required to do very little in the process. They just have to put the key in the engine which in turn will outline the original twice to obtain a more precise measurement and then will cut the lock with a titanium blade. This machine also has a brush that removes any metal shavings that might remain after the cuts. 

The costs will vary depending on the type of key and the number of locks that are made. A simple key made by a local shop will cost less. But the one that is made with a laser can range up to hundreds of dollars in fees.