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Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful?

However, we can tell you that most people say that tattoos hurt much worse than laser procedures. There is a difference between tattoo pain and removal pain. When you get a tattoo, it usually doesn't take more than two sessions to complete a piece, as long as you outline it in black to start with and come back to fill it in with color.

Laser deinking procedures, on the other hand, involve a number of treatments that keep the pain the same unless you start to build a pain tolerance between sessions. There are some salons that provide laser tattoo removal in Lexington, SC.

Most often, tattoo removal is compared to having someone tear your skin over and over again with a rubber band. This feeling is because the ink removal laser uses its light to burn the skin and remove the ink. Laser tattoo removal, on the other hand, takes a few seconds on each part, as opposed to the several hours it takes to apply the ink.

Our studio at Oak Brook is happy to inform you that the tattoo removal method is painless, but there are many different factors at play such as the size of the tattoo, the position of the tattoo, the color used in the tattoo, and so on.

Fortunately everyone has a different pain tolerance. We want to cheer you up by letting you know that the punctured area will hurt for a moment, like a stabbing. This also applies to laser tattoo removal. Short bursts of laser light remove ink and burn skin quickly and easily.