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Buy Nail Polish And Create Cool Nail Art

Nail art is a brilliant way to show off your funky personality, and it's easy to do at home, so you don't even need to visit expensive salons. Using a variety of techniques, it is possible to add glitter, produce cool marble effects, or create a color rating effect that gradually shifts from one color to another.

All you need to do is buy nail polish, do a little practice with various techniques and styles, and be as creative as possible! You can have a look at this site  if you want to buy nail polish gift set.

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Now it is possible to buy nail polish containing small magnetic particles and equipped with magnets specifically designed to manipulate them. If you paint your nails and hold the magnet over each nail while the varnish is still wet, these small metal spots will rearrange themselves into a pleasant pattern. This is the perfect way to get patterned nails with a minimum level of effort.

Nail stencils are also a very easy way to make patterns or drawings on nails. You can usually buy it from the same place where you bought nail polish. Simply place the stencil on the spot on the nail you want the image and then paint with nail polish.

After the nail polish is dry, remove the stencil from the nail and you will only have the shape you choose. For more colors, add base coat before stencil; for long life, add a clear topcoat to protect your design.