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Roofing Alternatives For Residential Roofs

Roofing is one of the most important structural features of a home or building. With construction and roofing materials advancing, there are now more options than ever before for roofing alternatives. Find out in this article which roofing alternatives are best for your residential project.

What Are Residential Roofs?

A roof is the covering of a building or structure that protects its occupants from the elements and from damage caused by weather. Roofs can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, asphalt, tile, and clay. For more details regarding residential roofing repairs, you can simply visit

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They can also be made to look like other parts of the building, such as a roofline or gable end. Residential roofs are usually made of materials that are not as durable as those used for commercial roofs.

Roofing Alternatives For Residential Roofs

There are a number of different roofing alternatives that can be used on residential roofs. These include:

Tiled Roofs: Tiled roofs are popular in homes because they are attractive, have long-lasting durability, and do not require a lot of maintenance. They can be installed in a number of different styles, including traditional clay tiles or more contemporary shingle-style tiles. Tiled roofs typically need less maintenance than other types of roofs and last for many years.

Asphalt Shingle Roofs: Asphalt shingle roofs are another common type of residential roofing. They offer good durability and coverage against the elements, but they do require regular maintenance to keep them looking good.