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Aviator Sunglasses – A Style Must-Have

Aviator sunglasses, also known as "Pilot Shades", are one of the most popular types of sunglasses. 

Just check the pages of your favorite fashion or celebrity magazines and you're bound to spot some really cool-looking aviators.  You can also buy the best aviator sunglasses for men via

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This type of sunglasses has been popular since the 1960s but became even more popular in the 1980s due to its appearance in the movies. 

You may even own one of those famous aviator sunglasses, but do you know the fascinating history of these classic, timeless style sunglasses?

The aviator sunglasses were first developed by Ray-Ban. Ray-Ban is the original designer and manufacturer of this type of sunglasses. 

Aviator sunglasses are distinguished by a dark contemplative lens, metal frame, and wire pedals hanging behind the ears. 

This style first became popular in World War II. They are designed for fighter pilots to protect their eyes from the scorching sun and enemy bombardment. 

Large lenses with sunglasses swell slightly so that they cover the entire eye and prevent as much light as possible from entering the eye from all angles. 

That's why Ray Ban's design team created a flight design that met the needs of a fighter pilot while making a fashion and style statement.

Aviator glasses are available in a wide variety of colors, styles, and designs. Make a fashion statement with your own aviator glasses and get ready to turn heads with these classic and timeless sunglasses.