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The Importance of Human Tissue in Advancing Biomedical Research

The use of human tissues has been critical in advancing biomedical research, science, and medical care, including the recent development of precision medicine. Although ideas for new approaches to therapies for cancer and other diseases have, in the past, often emerged from studies that began with animal models and immortalized cell lines, basic research initiated using human biospecimens and associated annotating data is increasingly the starting point for new discoveries. 

Nevertheless, human biospecimens provided by biobanks/bioresources have supported many of the most important recent advances in medicine. You can also look for human tissue samples by clicking this source: Human Tissue Samples – Geneticist Inc – World’s Premier Biorepository

Human biospecimens are vital in advancing basic science efforts, such as the profiling of genetic and molecular elements associated with specific pathologies. The collection, storage, and distribution of biospecimens, including liquid biospecimens have always been important to biomedical research. 

With the new era of molecular medicine/precision medicine driven by research and the increasing dependence of research on biospecimens, the range of utilization of biospecimens from multiple sources has increased the need for uniformity in standards. Similarly, quality control within bioresources is critical to ensure that what is provided to investigators, both biospecimens and associated annotating data, are of appropriate quality and fit for purpose.

There are many examples of how bioresources have been very important in improving medical therapies as well as increasing the understanding of the biology of normal and diseased tissues. To illustrate the importance of bioresources, we describe, medical advances arising from the use of biospecimens in the cancer field, and studies delineating the increased dependence on biospecimens in research.