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Thumb Sucking And Teething – Should Parents Be Concerned?

Sucking thumb at a very early baby can be seen as an adorable habit by many parents. However, due to teething toddlers, many parents are worried that thumb-sucking can damage the teeth to appear or even developing jaw structure. Is this something to worry about? Why do babies suck your thumb?

During the ultrasound scan, it is not uncommon for parents eager to see their baby soon-to-be-born sucking his thumb. However, the thrill of seeing their young baby sucking his thumb that often can turn to anxiety in the months and years that follow. But now you can stop thumb sucking of your kid by purchasing the hand stopper thumb guard for thumb sucking prevention.

All children suck their thumbs at some stage. But why children suck their thumbs? It would appear that the most common time to suck is when children are tired, bored, or need comfort. There is a widespread belief among pediatricians that sucking is an instinct born automatic habit born from the need to breastfeed.

Several studies have shown that babies who are having trouble at the start clinging to their mother’s breast, tend to suck their thumbs more than those who stuck with no problems. Also, it has been observed that infants who are fed every three hours do not seem to suck their thumbs as diligently as they are fed every four hours.

Bottle-fed babies are also more likely to suck their thumbs than breastfed infants. This may be because breastfeeding is usually meeting the needs of the baby to suck. It was the baby to decide when he is ready to release the nipple. The mother does not know when to empty breasts.

Bottle-fed babies tend to finish eating faster than feeding the baby and this may aggravate suck – as the baby grows stronger and the nipple hole is gradually becoming more widespread. This can be mitigated somewhat by increasing the vacuum in the bottle to regularly replace the nipple.