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The Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Imagine being arrested for the crime of committing a criminal offense. In a situation as life-altering as this, should you give their defense to the public defense or is it better to entrust the case to an experienced criminal defense attorney? You can also hire the best Fairfax criminal attorney online.

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The answer is obvious however, it is often not. An experienced criminal defense attorney can provide the care and experience needed for cases that defense attorneys don't have the time or the resources to handle. 

For instance, recent research has revealed that public defense offices lack funding and that the lawyers who work there are overwhelmed with the burden of cases. Some Association recommends a set number of misdemeanor and felony matters per public prosecutor each year, but the numbers are frequently increased by a third or more to the detriment of defendants. 

Lawyers who represent private criminal defendants in contrast are not subject to the same unattainable caseload requirements.

Criminal defense lawyers are usually experts in specific areas of law that public defenders don't. With the volume of casework that defense lawyers are required to manage They are usually forced to be generalists and not able to provide the specific and thorough care to the cases, defense attorneys can provide.