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How To Keep Your Garden Healthy In 2019

Spring is almost here, and many of us are looking out of our windows at our weather-beaten gardens, itching to get out there and begin tidying up. It has been a long, depressing winter, but the time is almost here when our mood lifts and the birds start singing again.

Now is the time to start thinking about how we are going to approach our gardening this year. Some may opt for a complete redesign while others will just be maintaining the garden as it is with maybe just the addition of a few annual plants in the borders.

We all have to start gardening somewhere though, and this article is aimed at the complete novice. It is my essential guide to keeping your garden healthy. You can check this site to get more information about it.


As the spring arrives, and our grass starts growing again, this is the best time to attack those lawn invaders with a good quality lawn weedkiller. Now, you can buy weed and moss killer, but be warned. If your lawn is heavily infested with moss and you use this product, you could have a patchy and threadbare lawn within days. Sometimes it is best to tolerate the moss so that your lawn stays green and nice and bouncy for the children. You can cut down on the amount of moss by aerating your lawn with a garden fork and raking it vigorously.

Sprinklers are very cheap these days from and many other retailers. They can be set on your lawn and attached by hosepipe to a timing device on the tap so the watering is carried out automatically. Mow your lawn fortnightly, or weekly in the summer when we have a lot of rain. Try to leave about an inch of growth when you mow.


Weed your borders. If you are fit enough, get down on your hands and knees with a small garden fork. Don’t be tempted to only turn the soil. Remove the weeds or they will come back very quickly. Dig some fresh compost into the soil where possible or place a layer on top of the soil between your plants. The nutrients will wash in when it rains. A one-inch layer of wood bark chippings will help suppress new weed growth.


Remove plants from their pots and replant using new soil or potting compost. Keep an eye open for plants that are pot bound and put them in bigger pots. There are times sprinkler systems that can be used in your pots too.


Inspect plants and bushes looking for dead areas. Remove them with shears or secateurs as necessary. Prune roses as this year’s growth begin. The new buds are easy to spot, and you should trim the rose branches back to just above one of them. There is no great secret to pruning roses. Dig bone meal or another rose fertilizer into the soil around the roses.

As the season moves on and plants come into flower, deadhead them regularly. This involves removing the entire flower head and not just the petals. Your plants will flower for much longer if you remove the dead ones.


It may be controversial, but cover your borders in slug pellets. They are not natural to this country, and they will destroy all of your hard work. Show no mercy.

With these tips and a good deal of hard work, you should be able to keep your garden looking green and healthy right through till next winter. Spending time in your garden is good for your health and wellbeing. Your home will look more attractive; children will enjoy playing, and you can relax in your own surroundings.