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Mouth Sleep Apnea: What You Should Know

Mouth sleep apnea is a condition in which you stop breathing during sleep. It’s a problem that affects millions of people, and it can be incredibly dangerous. If left untreated, mouth sleep apnea can cause serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and even death. 

Mouth sleep apnea is when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep, most often in the upper airway. This results in reduced airflow to the lungs and can lead to sleepiness and other problems. Mouth sleep apnea is more common in men than women, and it increases with age.

There are several signs and symptoms of sleep apnea mouth guard, including:

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-Snoring or noisy breathing during sleep

-Waking up tired or feeling tired after sleeping

-Confusion or difficulty waking up from sleep

-Frequent headaches or migraines

If you have any of these signs and symptoms, talk to your doctor. If you’re experiencing any of them regularly, it may be time to get checked for mouth sleep apnea.

There are many potential causes of mouth sleep apnea, but the most common ones include obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). OSA is a condition in which airflow obstruction occurs during sleep. This can lead to continuous episodes of interrupted breathing, which can cause fatigue and other health problems. CSA is a type of OSA in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep.

Other potential causes of mouth sleep apnea include obesity, soft tissue neck pain, and dental problems that affect airflow through the mouth. Genetics may also play a role in developing mouth sleep apnea, as well as other medical conditions such as head or neck cancer. Treatment formouth sleep apnea typically includes using a cpap machine to keep air flowing through the lungs during sleep.