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Why Refinish a Bathtub?

Most homeowners choose to refinish their bathtub for a number of reasons. A new coat of paint can bring years of life to a tub that may be showing its age, a bathtub refinishing job can add value and character to a home, and it can be a cost-effective way to update your bathtub. You can purchase bathtub repair kits at


Here are some reasons why you might want to refinish your bathtub:

  • A new coat of paint can bring years of life to a tub that may be showing its age.

  • A bathtub refinishing job can add value and character to a home.

  • It can be a cost-effective way to update your bathtub.

There are plenty of reasons to refinish a bathtub. Maybe it's just looking for a new look, or maybe the old finish is starting to peel or chip. Whatever the reason, here are five things to keep in mind when refinishing a bathroom:

1. Choose the right type of finish. There are a few types of finishes you can use in a bathtub: epoxy, polyurethane, lacquer, matte enamel, and shellac. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. 

2. Pick the right material. You can refinish a bathtub with Porcelain Enamel, which is a very durable finish. You can also use Laminate Wood Flooring if you want something that's lightweight but still looks nice. 

3. Prep the tub first. Before you start refinishing, make sure to clean the tub thoroughly and remove any excess wax or residue from the previous finish. This will help prevent staining and discoloration later on. 

4. Measure carefully. When refinishing a bathtub, it's important to take accurate measurements so that you don't end up with an uneven or improperly finished job.