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Importance of Search Engine Optimization

Google is providing details for sites that yield the HTTP error code. As Google report crawl errors in more detail, the Google Webmaster Tool is the best place to get that.

Also, there are links to be downloaded that determine which links are working. An important factor is that SEO plugins are not required for a new site. If you want to get more information about search engine optimization then you can check out

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Image Source: Google

Plug-ins tend to complicate the site. For SEO purposes, it's best to keep sites clean and simple, focus on a unique description, a natural page title that may include the keyword.

When someone types a keyword or phrase, they will be taken to a web server and is sent to the index server. Index Server according to the pages that match the query, taking sites and links that match their shows on pages based on ratings.

In order to make search engines index the site, one needs to submit a sitemap to Google through the central webmaster. Each title page plays a key role in the search process. There is a title tag that contains keywords, Meta tags contain similar keywords. All this helps to promote websites on search engines.